GNOME .desktop file generator

Generates a Freedesktop/GNOME .desktop file.

Tools — Small utilities, gadgets & scripts to perform daily tasks.



Exec variables

Add... Accepts...
%f a single filename.
%F multiple filenames.
%u a single URL.
%U multiple URLs.
%d a single directory. Used in conjunction with %f to locate a file.
%D multiple directories. Used in conjunction with %F to locate files.
%n a single filename without a path.
%N multiple filenames without paths.
%k a URI or local filename of the location of the desktop file.
%v the name of the Device entry.


UNIX path

SVG icons are stored in /usr/local/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps

Non scalable icons are sotred in /usr/local/share/icons/hicolor/<size>/apps

Use 96, 128 or 256 to ensure good result in GNOME3.

Linux path

Prefix is /usr and not /usr/local.

SVG icons are stored in /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps